Review: Seven Secrets #8
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Publisher: Boom Studios
Writer: Tom Taylor
Artists: Daniele Di Nicuolo
Letterer: Ed Dukeshire
Colors: Walter Baiamonte with Katia Ranalli
Reviewed by: Carl Bryan
For centuries, the Order has trusted in Keepers and Holders to guard the Secrets in seven briefcases against all harm, but when their stronghold is attacked and the secrets put in peril, the entire Order must face their greatest fear-an enemy who knows too much and is willing to kill to get what he wants.
The Order has managed to find their way through the land of Faerie, but danger awaits them on the other side. After experiencing a devastating loss of friends and a Secret, can Caspar continue to keep his vow as a Holder to protect the Secrets before all else?
…but are they truly safe as there appears to be someone working on the inside of the Keepers and the Holders.
Tom Taylor’s first installments in issues #1-#7 have got us to this point where a secret is revealed and what a secret. Taylor’s provided a glimpse that the secrets revolve around words, wonders, and weapons. What a first reveal as we lose an entire country!
Working an ensemble cast can be challenging. Canto continues to the character where you eyes are drawn in reading. His charlatan/clown like appearance begs to have more of his story told as he has made a recent sacrifice in the battle and he may not be long for this particular story.
Taylor peels back more to the story as we see the enemy of Secrets is as ruthless as ever, but even he has to report to someone. Big teaser moment at the end of the book.
Positives 2.0
Daniele Di Nicuolo illustrates Taylor’s Universe perfectly. The lines, the environment, the expressions and the colors! Everything in this environment is so vivid and the art is crisp. To take Taylor’s story to different environments is always a challenge but Di Nicuolo’s art changes gears so smoothly! Love those colors!!!
None, but we are a bit disjointed as we learn a couple of things. We get a secret revealed and there is a “fungus among us” as a spy is in the ranks. That makes for some great story telling!
Tom Taylor , just being named the major author for an upcoming Superman series, continues to draw us into this ensemble cast. The visuals of this book are pretty amazing as the art work is very tight and Taylor provided a glimpse (finally) in revealing one of the Secrets. This pace of revealing may mean a long extended battle until we are down to either one secret or full on apocalypse. Either way, Taylor is our guide and we are better for it as his readers!