Review: Wonder Woman #776[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Writers: Michael W. Conrad & Becky Cloonan and Jordie Bellaire
Art: Jill Thompson, Becky Cloonan, and Paulina Ganucheau
Colors: Jill Thompson, Jordie Bellaire and Kendall Goode
Letters: Pat Brosseau and Becca Carey
Reviewed by: Matthew B. Lloyd
Diana and Ratatosk are joined in Elfhame- Land of the Faeries by Sigurd (Sigfried) as the must survive in order to find their way to Earth. But, Gwyn, the Elf-king isn’t quite that forgiving….
Wonder Woman #776 finds a third artist taking up the reigns on “Afterworlds.” Part 7 is illustrated by the legendary Jill Thompson. Thompson turns in, as expected, a beautiful issue as only she can. Her style fits the story perfectly so it’s no wonder she’s on the issue that takes place in the Faerie Lands. Thompson’s style evokes the differences between Olympus and Elfhame. Additionally, she outfits Diana in a proper “fairy tale” style dress.
Storywise, Wonder Woman #776 is another interesting take in which Conrad and Cloonan look to explore Diana’s character by putting her through a challenge in a world not her own. They did this at the outset of “Afterworlds” when Diana was in Asgard and it proved quite interesting. Again, Diana has to prove her inherent character traits as she adapts to Elfhame. Furthermore, with the addition of Sigurd (not Sigfried- it’s clearly the same guy), we get a little bit more of the chemistry between these two characters.
Positives Cont’d
It’s a nice touch when Diana interacts with the lasso she got from the Valkyries. It’s not clear exactly how it works, but it’s interesting to imagine that she’s gaining some sort of souvenir from the different realms she’s visited. It could potentially lead to Diana having a role above all the worlds in the Godsphere. The final page does promise that Diana’s time on Earth has not quite come to an end.
The Young Diana back up tale has a significant moment that illustrates the core values of the Amazons. It’s nothing earth shattering, but it builds on the lessons Diana is shown learning while growing up. It ends with a surprise that should prove to take the reader deeper into psyche of the youthful Amazon. It also promises to expand on the character of Hippolyta.
If there’s anything out of place within the internal logic of the story it’s Diana and Sigfried’s reactions when the are brought together again. One would expect after the last moments they shared that they would have a more intense or either awkward reunion. As it is it feels like there’s not much more than friendship between them, even though it seemed to be teased in the previous issue that there was something more between them.
Diana gets a change of pace issue as she enters Faerie land on her way back home. It’s a beautifully illustrated issue that doesn’t give away anything, but suggests many possibilities as to how “Afterwolrds” will play out. Wonder Woman #776 continues Diana’s incredible journey with this issue having a unique feel and flair in Elfhame and due to the art of Jill Thompson.