Review: Green Lantern  #7[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Writer: Geoffrey Thorne
Art:Â Tom Raney and Marco Santucci with Andy Owens
Colors:Â Mike Atiyeh
Letters:Â Rob Leigh
Reviewed by: Matthew B. Lloyd
John Stewart witnesses the first meeting between Oans and the New Gods, while Jo and Simon try to minimize the damage caused by Keli’s gauntlet.
As the two storylines in Green Lantern seem to continue to diverge, one can’t help but wonder how they’ll come back together. When John intervenes in the battle between the Oans and the New Gods, he is struck by Uxas and goes through a quick evolution of sorts. It’s not quite clear what’s happened or if it is something that will be permanent. Whatever it is (no spoilers on this point, next issue will provide a longer look I’m sure), it seems this may point to how John is going bring the Green Lantern Corps back together. Â
Seeing the New Gods at a time this far in the past is interesting, and it is equally so for the Oans (yet to have chosen the title “Guardians of the Universe.”) There should be a time paradox at play here as John is clearly witnessing an ancient event. However, there is a safety valve to prevent such an event. No matter, what it brings about in John both apparently physically and what he learns by being there will clearly be significant.
We’ve already seen some of the reaction to Jessica Cruz becoming a Yellow Lantern in Green Lantern 2021 Annual, and there’s more on hand in Green Lantern #7, as her former partner, Simon Baz learns about it. This must be explored at length! Jessica Cruz, Yellow Lantern has a great ring to it for a new title! Simon is quite surprised, but not as surprised as when the medical team tries to remove Keli’s gauntlet and all hell breaks loose, or rather “all ring constructs break loose.” This situation really lets Jo Mullein shine. She’s the only Lantern left with a working ring and she has to step up.
Positives Cont’d
Since issue #1, it’s clear that Green Lantern is forging a new path in the mythos of the Green Lantern Corps. It is this sense that everything is different that is really working for the title. In this issue, we see numerous examples of how familiar characters are getting a new take. These ideas really bring a fresh feel to the concepts, while at the same time don’t feel forced because they are part of a narrative. Part of this includes putting John Stewart through the mental and emotional wringer, and it opens up his character.
Marco Santucci really cuts loose with Keli’s ring constructs in Green Lantern #7, you’ll have fun identifying them all, especially the “team” of Robins.  Santucci provides dynamic staging with nearly portrait-like depictions of the characters. It not only creates a feeling of familiarity but vulnerability in the characters. He’s echoing a theme present in the writing, as all the characters are being exposed.
The creative team can’t help the unavoidable shipping delays, so do yourself a favor and refresh your memory with the previous couple of issues before diving in.
There are times when characters or concepts need to get a refresh, or simply an approach from a different direction. Green Lantern is taking the familiar concepts and characters and opening them up to explore things in a different way and from a different point of view. With issue #7, we get the first inkling of how things might come back together, and at the same time continue to enjoy the journey without having the feeling that we are ready to return to “normal.”