With the success of the Harley Quinn Animated series, it seems HBO Max is keen to expand on this. Series co-creator Patrick Schumacker has announced that they have begun work on a spin-off series. The title of the series will be Noonan’s (from the bar named after hitman, Sean Noonan). The focus of the new show will be Kite Man, a lovable character from the previous series.
On the panel; Not Kidding Around: Warner Bros. Animation and the Reimagining of Iconic Characters for an Adult Audience panel at SXSW, Schumacker said:
He tries to run the bar by himself, but it doesn’t turn out so easy. We have Harley and Ivy appear in the first episode, but after that we have with different goons and villains appearing every episode like Lex Luthor and Bane.
It will be kind of like Cheers for supervillains.
Spoilers from season 2 of Harley Quinn ahead
Given the nature of the Harley Quinn Animated series so far, a series revolving around various villains and rogues just hanging out at a bar sounds very entertaining. With endless possibilities when it comes to combinations of DC Characters it will allow for some unique stories. It seems to be fairly safe to assume this will follow on season 2 of HQTAS and will deal with Kite Man bouncing back following the breakdown of his relationship with Poison Ivy.
The Harley Quinn animated series (voiced by Kaley Cuoco) has been extremely popular amongst fans. We are eagerly awaiting information regarding season 3. Additionally, it has been reported as on track for a 2022 release. The show, which launched in 2019, was a new direction for the HBO Max/DC Brand. It gave a fresh and comedic take on iconic characters from the DC universe. With its adult humor and extremely violent content, it has now become a staple amongst DC programming. Its great news for fans that we get to see this universe expanded upon.