Review: Batman and Robin: Year One #4
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]Co-Plot: Mark Waid and Chris Samnee
Writer: Mark Waid
Art: Chris Samnee
Colors: Matheus Lopes
Letters: Clayton Cowles with Chris Samnee
Reviewed by: Matthew B. Lloyd
Bruce and Dick face Child Protective Services, Batman has his first encounter with Grimaldi and Dick has to face the reality of…SCHOOL!
Batman and Robin: Year One #4 is fun, exciting, insightful and a little bit funny at times. Waid knows it’s important to include all the right elements for a great comic and you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Like previous issues in the series, this comic does everything right. Solid action bookends the issue while the middle contains all the character beats needed to flesh out the issue.
Bruce and Dick get a surprise visit from Lyn, the lady from CPS. This moment provides some humor as well as the opportunity to characterize the growing relationship between Bruce and Dick. This interpretation of Dick Grayson emphasizes the fun and playful nature that’s always been there, but also shines a light on a more modern cheeky characteristics as well. More humor comes on the final page when Dick realizes that despite his nocturnal adventures with the Dark Knight, he’s still expected to go to school
The art from Samnee and Lopes is gorgeous. Samnee captures the subtlety of emotion as well as the excitement of the action and adventure. Lopes’ colors enhance the atmosphere and recall various eras of the Dark Knight while never seeming derivative. The issue is well paced and moves quickly while not feeling decompressed. A fair amount happens, and it all matters.
It’s hard to imagine a negative in this comic. Is Waid trying to save the world? No. But, Waid and Samnee are making a great comic.
Batman and Robin: Year One #4 is another outstanding issue. Waid seems to excel at classic takes with a bit of modern updating. Sometimes all you need is fun, and this comic has that. If you enjoy the idea of Batman and Robin with a non-sociopathic Dark Knight Detective, then this is the comic for you. And it all looks glorious courtesy of Samnee and Lopes!