Review: Green Lantern #19[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Writer: Jeremy Adams
Art: Fernando Pasarin, Oclair Albert and Jason Paz
Colors: Romulo Fajardo, Jr.
Letters: Dave Sharpe
Reviewed by: Matthew B. Lloyd
Green Lantern #19 takes a moment to remind readers where all the moving pieces are before launching into the Fractured Spectrum crossover.
Despite that rather unexciting summary, Green Lantern #19 is a very good issue. Jeremy Adams gives Hal and Carol a few quiet moments, but in order to service not only the story, but also the characters. Most of the character moments in this issue are very strong. Adams is also able to continue to build on the seeds he’s been dropping throughout the series which not only contributes to world building, but wonderfully utilizes the stories that have come before in the DC Universe. It’s not always easy to do this, but Adams is showing how it’s done. Leah Williams needs some tutoring in this technique for Power Girl, she’s pretty much thrown out the baby with the bathwater.
The quiet moment that Hal and Carol get in this issue demonstrates why Carol as a new superhero works. Not only has receiving the Star Sapphire ring given her a new understanding of what Hal’s life is like, but it’s absolutely central to their relationship working. Adams has built on a relationship that’s been on again off again for years, and this development may be the thing that solidifies. It works not because it’s “tradition” for them to be together, but what Adams has presented genuinely works and is interesting. It goes into perspective and being able to see what it’s like to walk in someone else’s shoes.
Positives Cont’d
Adams has not made the mistake of making Carol a “Mary Sue.” This issues shows that she’s learning and a little scared. It’s believable and well constructed. It’s interesting. Even if you aren’t a fan of superhero girlfriends getting powers, Adams is making it work through solid and realistic writing. By contrast, Joshua Williamson has made the new Superwoman, Lois Lane great at everything right out of the gate. It’s not working nearly as well, nor is it really interesting. Perhaps, Adams should’ve tutored Williamson on this aspect!
There’s a new character in this issue, Odyssey, and Adams makes her interesting as well with a little bit of mystery and friction with Kyle Rayner. It’s a good set up for an introduction.
Fernando Pasarin and Oclair Albert turn in a great job on the art chores as well, starting with a subtle homage to the cover of Brave and the Bold #28, the first appearance of the Justice League of America. There’s some great detail and texture in their art that provides a nice bit of realism that makes the fantastic seem more reasonable.
Oh, and the plan of Starbreaker whom we saw at the end of last issue is an example of how Adams weaves in history and previous stories to advance plot and development of existing themes and concepts of the DC Universe.
Hard to believe that there is a negative here, but there are a couple things that struck me as odd. There’s some weird “competitive” interplay between Kyle Rayner and Kon-El/Superboy/ Conner Kent (whatever we’re calling him these days) that just seemed weird. Kyle is more mature than that at this stage and he already exhibited this in his recruiting of Odyssey for his mission.
Kon-El/ Superboy/ Conner Kent is a problem period. He looks like he stepped out of 1994, but he should be older and more mature. Didn’t Bendis bring him back with a wife and child? Is that still in play? He’s been a mess since the New 52 regressed him from all his pre-Flashpoint character development and growth when he became interesting and unique. He’s difficult to like and difficult to understand. Perhaps, Adams will make things clear in this story arc, but right now he’s a liability.
Jeremy Adams is consistently DC Comics’ best writer with no real competition. Even if Green Lantern isn’t your favorite character or concept, Adams is writing a very good series. Coupled with his track record on The Flash and Jay Garrick: The Flash, it’s a no brainer that you should be reading Green Lantern, and Green Lantern #19 is a pretty easy place to start. If I had more than a 5 point scale this would be an 8.5/10.