Review: Aquaman #3
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Jeremy Adams
Art: John Timms
Colors: Rex Lokus
Letters: Dave Sharpe

Reviewed by: Matthew B. Lloyd




Arion and the Lady of the Lake for a plan with Aquaman but the King of the Seven Seas is caught unaware by former ally, Lori Lemaris!


Jeremy Adams brings up something interesting in the flashback sequence in Aquaman #3 with Arthur and his father.  Thomas Curry has always been a lighthouse keeper, but in the modern world a lighthouse keeper isn’t the job it used to be.  Adams provides a scenario that gives Arthur a new perspective on his father’s work as well as giving the reader something to think about.  

Moving Aquaman away from a directly water based adventure is an interesting choice.  However, it really works as Adams nails Aquaman’s character.  Adams also shows his ability to use continuity as Vivienne, the Lady of the Lake is a callback to Rick Veitch’s turn on Aquaman in “The Waterbearer.”  Adams also gives a context for the villain through a mini-history as told by Arion.  It’s another fun bit of DC history as Arion and Aquaman’s respective worlds feel a little closer and part of the same big Atlantean picture.

Positives Cont’d

There is a surprise when Lori Lemaris shows up unexpectedly.  She’s been seen recently in World’s Finest, but clearly something’s happened to her.  The surprise is an interesting plot choice, but it feels like Lori will be revealed to be under mind control.

Aquaman #3 continues to build the melding of genres.  We’ve got the supernatural/ elemental aspects as indicated by presence of The Blue, the magic/ fantasy elements with Arion, mythological sources with the Lady of the Lake and they all work well.  It takes a real vision to see the big picture and how they can all work together. 

While Mera hasn’t been seen since issue #1, her presence if felt strongly and it’s great to not only have that, but the context is significant to Arthur and their relationship.  Like Hawkman and Hawkwoman/ Hawkgirl, Arthur and Mera are a pair.  It’s possible to take Superman back to a time when he and Lois weren’t together, but it would very weird and practically antithetical to how their characters have developed over time to have them or the Hawks not together.


Adams  creatively navigates any details that could set things in a negative direction.


Jeremy Adams is doing it again!  After saving Wally West and breathing new life into Hal Jordan, the King of the Seven Seas is starring in a series that demands attention!  It’s not rocket science, but it isn’t always easy.  Aquaman #3 is one of those comics that is new reader friendly.  Even if you’ve missed the first two issues, Adams makes it clear what’s going on and adds effective character moments with plot progression.  You don’t want to miss this new series!


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