DC Comics Quick Takes for the Week of March 19, 2025

Sometimes, there isn’t enough to say for a complete review, but there is still something to be said. That’s what Quick Takes is about. It would be difficult to review EVERY comic I read in a week, but I’ll always have something to say. So, here’s to something new…Quick Takes for the Week of March 19, 2025. Be sure to comment on what you’re reading and enjoying this week and check out the full reviews for the week at DC Comics News!

Zatanna #2

As enjoyable as issue #1 was, this issue may be even better!  There’s a good mystery-and it deepens, things progress with the plot and the cadre of magic/ supernatural characters we see are fun.  Madame Xanadu and Blue Devil not only connect things with Justice League Dark, but also Madame Xanadu’s Vertigo solo series, Demon Knights from the New 52 and Blue Devil’s original series from the ’80’s.  There’s just a slight desire to see Zatanna on her own instead of in an ensemble, but the ensemble is compelling.  Additionally, I don’t think we needed to see Bruce Wayne show up on the last page, but there’s a lot going on to sort out and it’s 99% not straightforward.  There are a couple of  surprises along the way that confirm the fact that Jamal Campbell is a solid writer.

Absolute Flash #1

Jeff Lemire turns in a fairly strong script, but it’s non linear nature doesn’t serve a first issue well.  It’s definitely executed better than in his recent JSA #1, and it works for the most part until the “one year later” jump at the end.  It’s entirely unnecessary as there’s plenty of mystery and intrigue to go around without it.  There’s a lot of characters, and like all the Absolute titles so far, part of the approach relies on the reader already knowing the traditional mythos of the title character.  Like Absolute Wonder Woman, the concepts introduced in this issue would work better as an entirely new character as opposed to  a variation on a classic DC Comics hero.  Also, like the other Absolute titles, it’s hard to find a reason for the existence of any of these Absolute characters out side of being different just for the sake of being different.  If the Absolute titles have been for you then this will probably land, but there’s nothing grounding breaking or really compelling about Absolute Flash #1, in fact most of it is something you’ve seen before.  This is a solid above average to good, much like Absolute Superman #1 placing these both over the above average Absolute Batman #1 and the mediocre Absolute Wonder Woman #1.

Catwoman #74

This run by Torunn Gronbekk attempts to give Catwoman a mysterious past that’s never been explored.  Gronbekk does it by placing the story in a wholly different genre than what is usually associated with Catwoman.  This isn’t a street urchin learning how to survive on her own, this is firmly in the realm of espionage with a distinctly European flavor.  I’ve compared it to Modesty Blaise or Diabolik previously, and it’s hard not to recapitulate that comparison.  For as un-Catwoman-like it can seem, it IS working.  Perhaps, when Gronbekk is done, this chapter in Selina’s life will fit seamlessly into the bigger picture.  Right now it’s a fun enjoyable ride and it’s hard not to like.

Nightwing #124

This is a mixed bag of an issue.  Part of it progresses as one might expect, but the fourth wall breaking Zanni is a little strange.  The supernatural element doesn’t fit Nightwing very well and it’s a huge jump from the street level story that’s been unfolding with the street gangs and Dick Grayson’s concern for the kids of Bludhaven who’ve been caught up in the violence.  The relationship between Dick and Barbara is still depicted well and is still the basis for the title.  Dan Watters continues to develop relevant themes around Dick that evoke thoughtful consideration.


What are you reading this ?  What were your favorite DC comics for the week of March 19?  Be sure to leave a comment below!

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