Review: Batman and Robin: Year One #6
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Co-Plot: Mark Waid and Chris Samnee
Writer: Mark Waid
Art: Chris Samnee
Colors: Matheus Lopes
Letters: Clayton Cowles w/ Chris Samnee

Reviewed by: Matthew B. Lloyd




How will the captured Robin escape and will it mean the end of his partnership with Batman?  Plus, how close are the Police to learning Batman’s identity?


Quite simply, Batman and Robin: Year One #6 is excellent straightforward superhero comics!  It’s a throwback in the sense that it’s not trying to be something else or relevant in any other way than being a great Batman and Robin story.  There’s a great strength in simplicity sometimes and this series is a great example of that.

Waid’s script gives just enough and lets the art tell the story where it can.  There are some nice moments when Robin is interacting with his abductors that not only build the tension of the moment, but explore Robin’s character.  The emotional beats of the issue are stretched between Batman’s concern for Robin’s safety and his anger at being disobeyed.  The two come to a new understanding at the end of the comic and it goes right back to the connections the two orphans share from their similar experiences.

This issue is well balanced with solid action from both Batman and Robin individually.  The overall plot moves forward and Waid introduces the idea of the Police’s investigation into Bruce Wayne’s identity.  Samnee’s art and storytelling continues to be remarkable.  It’s a great looking book that restores the belief in great comics from the Big Two.  DC should be pushing this series hard.

And, since issue #1, this series continues to deliver on the feel of connectivity to Batman comics of the past.  Be it the narration boxes and similar visual style to Batman: Year One or the iconic oath scene from Detective Comics #38 which is recreated in this issue, these details contribute to the overall enjoyment and quality of the issue.


Hard to find a negative in this issue.  This series just rolls on!


This might be the best issue of this series so far.  Batman and Robin: Year One #6 seems to have it all, yet not feel overstuffed, a real testament to the “simplicity” approach, and yet it lacks nothing either.  DC doesn’t have enough book like this.  Furthermore, this issue also feels accessible to a new reader despite it being in the middle of the arc.  The real draw is the development of the Batman and Robin partnership and that shines through strong enough to carry the series.

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