And Here’s the PUNCHLINE!

by JC Alvarez
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DC’s newest villain is making a bee-line up the charts and demanding she gets as much attention as possible! PUNCHLINE was set to make her debut in later in April but she’s sliced her way up to BATMAN #92 on sale April Fool’s Day!

No joke! The newest DC villain is so much on everybody’s radar she’s pushing her release date up by not one, but two issues! The Joker’s got a new game, and her name is Punchline. She’s the slickly styled mystery piece on the puzzle that is part of the “Their Dark Designs” story arc, currently playing out in issues of Batman. Another new adversary is also in play, and he’s calling himself The Designer! He’s got all of the Dark Knight’s rogues gallery of usual suspects on edge. What kind of a fiendish mind has The Riddler, Penguin and The Catwoman on the lookout?

And if The Joker is on it, who’s side is Punchline on? Is the Batman ready for what’s coming next?

Check out the variant cover of by Stanley “Artgerm” Lau for Batman #92 featuring Gotham’s latest cover girl… Punchline!

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