DC Comics News is a fan based site. We want to give you the best view of what is happening across the DC world. Our news covers film (motion picture & animation), comics, TV, merchandise, art, news, and reviews. Watch out for exclusive interviews with industry heavyweights, comic book artists, actors, producers, directors, and fan activities!

Damian Fasciani
Owner / Director
As Owner and Director, Damian Fasciani comes with nineteen years experience in Business and Technology. A passionate Pop Culture Fan, Damian’s favourite DC character is none other than the Batman with the Green Arrow a close 2nd. Damian is married with two young children, loves sports, fitness, music, and adding to his Batman Collection.

Joshua Raynor
Editor in Chief
Honoured to lead his amazingly dedicated crew of DC fanatics, Joshua has been a key member of the DCN team since 2014. A DC fan his entire life, whether it was seeing Batman 89 when he was 6, tuning into the Batman: The Animated Series every morning it was on, or falling in love with the Green Lantern Corps in high school, DC has always been a part of Joshua’s DNA and will continue to be forever. A truly passionate fan! A father/ husband/ writer/ reviewer/ editor/ and all-around geek. Joshua also runs his own movie review site and hosts two podcasts. A busy, fulfilling life, loving every moment of it.

Marvin Joe Castro
Assistant Editor
While many people from all over the world come to Southern California to make it big and adopt it as their home, Joseph was born in it (Bane reference anyone?). He currently still resides in Southern California after attending the University of California, Irvine (zot! zot!), where he studied Political Science. He is an aspiring scholar of all things DC and hopes to write his own comic book someday unless he gets the opportunity to plan out the next ten years of the DCEU starting off with a really good Cyborg movie.