Review: iZombie Ep. 2

by Joey Garces
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For the second week in a row Rose McIver stars as the charismatic and  conflicted Liv. It certainly must be a challenge to play a character who by nature should be pretty monotone, let alone give that character such a wide array of emotions. As we saw in the first episode of iZombie Liv has the ability to take on the personality traits of whoever’s brain she’s chomping on. So naturally this week we’re treated to an artsy, seductive zombie, quite the combination indeed.

“Brother, Can You Spare a Brain?” follows the bad guy of the week format that was established in the pilot episode and for now it’s working before we start to flesh out the big bad of the season. The other cast members keep up the good work of fleshing Liv out, as well as go through small stages of development themselves. It’s also pretty clear to see that Dr. Ravi will become a fan favorite if he hasn’t already. He’s got a great sense of comedic timing and helps keep the plot grounded.

This week we witness an artist’s murder and watch as the team of Liv, Dr. Ravi and Clive continue to grow and meanwhile a zombie friend/foe makes himself known to Liv.


Oh the joys of zombie flirting. As said before Liv takes on the personality traits of the brain she eats and after devouring a sexually stimulated brain Liv becomes quite open to flirting with whoever was in front of her. It’s such a change from her usual brooding self that I couldn’t help but chuckle as Clive constantly shot her those “are you kidding me?” faces as Liv’s mouth waters over some sexy models, probably their brains too.

The introduction to Blaine was also well done. I think the viewers and Liv alike can sort of tell that Blaine is most likely going to do more harm than good this season but he comes across as one of those villains you enjoy watching on the screen. If the charismatic Blaine is building a zombie army, ready to take over Seattle, then have at it because I would love to see how our heroes combat that.


The relationship between Liv and Major is the last thing on my mind when watching the show, but that being said I think a hint towards the woman in his house last week would have been beneficial. He seemed pretty upset when Liv came on to him, and righteously so, but I expected him to throw that in her face. This is probably going to be one of those things that will blow up in everyone’s faces so I’ll just have fun focusing the zombie detective side of the show.


Episode 2 of iZombie remains on the  upward trend the show started out with. It emphasized the zombie/supernatural aspect of the show but really delivered on the laughs. Rose McIver continues to impress in her take on Liv and I for one am pleasantly surprised with the show and look forward to more.


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