[Editor’s note: This review may contain spoilers.]
Writer: Peter J. Tomasi
Artists: Jorge Jimenez, Alejandro Sanchez
If ever you’ve really spoken with a teen for an extended period of time you know that they have huge personalities and wear their hearts on their chests. Along with these huge personalities, Jonathan Kent and Damian Wayne have two things working against them; they are both ready for combat, they both live in the shadow of their parents, Superman and Batman.
Imagine the ability to take down huge criminals, even the willingness to do so, but parents that won’t let you. Plus, if they caught you, they could easily stop you. Each of the two Super Sons handles their parents differently. As differently as their parents teach them. I don’t thank either Superman or Batman is ready though, for the force of both teens together. The confident and skilled Damian paired with the timid but controlled power of Jonathan.
How do you tell a story about the sons of Batman and Superman without hitting every cliché or feeling old and tired before ever beginning? You show what makes them both different from their fathers. In this issue we get to see that. Certainly they are similar to their dads, everyone is, but they are also very different.
In this issue we see what is easily one of the most shown early life moments of Superman as a child, him being bullied. Clark is always shown as torn between pounding them to dust and the fear of discovery. Jonathan, knowing full well what he is and what power he has already knows control and doesn’t struggle with it, he keeps himself calm and plays it cool.
Damian, on the other hand, is as driven as Bruce was as a child, but with all the training and experience Bruce didn’t have. He knows how to dissect a problem, find the solutions to the problem, and the right weapon to put to it. His greatest downfall however, is his lack of control. He likes to rush into the thick of whatever is in front of him without the control to pull himself back out.
Every bit of ink on the page of this book is fantastic, from the letters, to the inks, to the colors, this issue is fun and a good read. They really hit this issue out of the park on the first pitch, what makes this even more exciting, the creative team of Tomasi, Jimenez, & Sanchez have the experience to maintain it.
Super Sons is a great read, it is as exciting as Batman/Superman but these two work together and get along in a way that their fathers don’t.