With DC revealing their new slate for the DC Extended Universe, we are expecting great things to unfold. And it seems that the creative director of DC Comics, Geoff Johns, is planning to expand the DCEU by creating a Batman Universe. Over the years, we’ve seen countless movies of the Dark Knight on the big screen and he has been played by numerous of actors such as the late Adam West, Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, George Clooney, Christian Bale and the current one, Ben Affleck.

Recently, DC Comics confirmed that new projects are in the works such as Shazam, that will begin production next year in February, and two undisclosed films that are scheduled to be released in 2020. If Warner Bros. and DC Entertainment would expand Batman’s universe, they would be doing what has never been done and would be a first in the superhero genre, a franchise inside a franchise.

On IGN Live, Geoff Johns was interviewed and there he teased a possibility of a Batman franchise that would bring all the characters related to the Caped Crusader together:

“We haven’t gone out there and said what our slate is and that’s because we’ll do it when we’re ready and we have the films that we’re excited about. But for Batman, what I will say is that Batman is more than just Batman and, you know, it’s been way too long since we’ve seen an expansion of that universe, and Batgirl – we are doing Batgirl with Joss Whedon, it’s going to be super exciting. He’s going to start that next year, and that’s just the start. We want to explore the Batman universe in a very big new way and Matt Reeves is coming on to do Batman now, and we don’t want to do the same thing that has been done before. We want to build it out just like we built it out in the comics.”

Along with a Batgirl film that would be in production next year, there is also a Nightwing movie that is being written by Bill Dubuque and directed by Chris McKay. With Batman having a vast array of allies such as Batwoman, Catwoman, The Spoiler, Bluebird, Robin, Red Hood, and Red Robin, also including Ace the Bat-Hound, the Batman Universe could certainly be a huge franchise.

But if that happens, it would probably not be any time soon given that there’s a lot at hand on the DC Extended Universe. Hopefully, we get to see the Bat-Family altogether on the big screen in the near future.

We may receive news in days or weeks to come and we are hopeful that things will turn out to be as we have expected, or may be even better. For now, let’s wait for the upcoming Justice League film that would feature Batman and all the other DC legends.

Justice League is set to be released on theaters this November 17, worldwide.

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