[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Artist: Michael Avon Oeming
Bendis doesn’t fool around and really does a great job of book ending the story with a school presentation and the big reveal at the end. And we get to see the real leader (?) of the five families in Don Bonavese (or time will tell on that one).  And while Madame President doesn’t survive, we really get a breakneck pace with this book and find out Jagger Rose really is the one with the power! But Valentine is a pawn.
The artwork is clever in this one as you check out the dialogue comparing the streets of Japan to a maze and then the actual visual of a maze. No “Where’s Waldo” moments in this as we see the nightclub teeming with patrons, however, clever magnify glass effects provide us Valentine’s location.
I don’t like Rose getting clipped in this issue. She needs to survive. It was a torn Valentine in this issue with no commitment to the cause. And this issue is pretty graphic in its treatment of a clandestine power sex encounter with Madame President and her agent, Gary, as she welds worldly power as well as dominance over her agents in a myriad of ways. Not a PG-13 moment, so be forewarned! I’m still looking for an update in drawing style as these characters deserve a sharper image ala Todd McFarlane type pencilling. The assassination of Madame President deserves that.
Best issue thus far for Bendis, but I didn’t like Rose taking a bullet. Let’s hope this is a minor setback, but we now know, this is a very adult read!