What is the Green Team and who is part of it? Click the jump to read the review on Issue #1.
When I first heard that DC was reviving the Green Team, my initial reaction was “What the hell is the Green Team?” So I decided to do a little research, assuming it was a coalition of DC’s green-hued heroes Oliver Queen, Hal Jordan, and some other, forgotten Silver Age characters. Disappointment ensued –
Bringing the new Green Team to life is Art Baltazar and Franco (writers), the creative team behind the fantastic Tiny Titans and Superman Family Adventures. This title is nothing like those previous efforts (or the above image). Instead, we’re given a title that looks right at home within the DC Universe. Given that this is a number one, we’re introduced to characters and conflict that will play a role in subsequent issues.
While this is a team book, Baltazar and Franco make it clear early on that the focus will be on two characters – the wide-eyed Mohammed and his idol, Commodore. Mohammed, or “Mo” as he’s referred to by others, is our guide to this unexplored pocket of the DCU. It’s a tried and true storytelling technique that is very effective here.
Mo is, aside from his aforementioned storyteller function, a character that many readers can identify with despite his disgusting amount of wealth. His desires are those of an emotional level – love, approval and acceptance – which transcend the page, cultures and social classes. He is very well written and look forward to learning more about his life in future issues.
Despite the limitations of an issue #1, Baltazar and Franco are able to cram a lot of information and story into these twenty pages. There is a lot of world-building here that hooked me in. Between the secret technology conventions, internet powered cars and banter between characters, I forgot that this book had any sense of political undertones until the final pages. And that is because the writers were able to inject this book with what has been their bread and butter: fun. And when it comes down to it, this book is a lot of fun.
While I found the core structure of the story to be fairly solid and inviting to new audiences, the dialogue was lacking and, at times, cringe-worthy. The slang used was either outdated or just fell flat. I know there’s a desire to use slang when writing dialogue for younger characters, particularly teens, to make them seem cool. In reality, most teens just talk like everyone else. Seriously, do people still say “crunk?” I couldn’t help but laugh at how stupidly out of place that seemed.
My other big issue with this story is that, despite the world that Baltazar and Franco are building, there seems to be no connective tissue from this issue to the greater DCU. I don’t need a mention of Superman or Wonder Woman, but if I didn’t see the DC logo on the cover, this could have been a title for Marvel, Dark Horse, Image, or Valiant. This title needs to find its footing within the DCU quickly, or else it may find itself with OMAC, Team 7 and the other cancelled titles.
The Green Team is a solid if unspectacular debut. However, despite its flaws I found this book to be immensely fun. With this title, DC is taking another risk – something it has done since the initial launch of the New 52. Hopefully, it can find the audience that eluded I, Vampire and Dial H, or else it will be joining them. DC fans, I implore you to step out of your comfort zone and give this book a shot. You’ll likely be coming back next month if you do.