sat down with Geoff Johns last Thursday to discuss the state of DC’s recent big event, “Forever Evil.” CBR inquired on the Lex Luthor’s relationship with his team of villains, John’s love of DC villains, and the reason behind the big public reveal of Nightwings’ identity
“If you take the Justice League out, I think Nightwing is the top hero left to lead the others. Targeting him was what the Syndicate would do — in my head, it made sense for them to target him. There’s more coming up with what the emotional connection is between him and Owlman in “Justice League” #25 — Doug Mahnke did a beautiful job on the story. That’s going to reveal what interest Owlman has in Nightwing. And Nightwing will continue to be a center point in “Forever Evil,” too — don’t want to say much more than that, though.”
CBR ended the interview questioning the status of Johns taking on another DC title.
“Yes. I have some more stuff coming up. I’m focused on wrapping up “Forever Evil” and I want to make “Justice League” the best it can possibly be, but there’s a lot of stuff going on that’s taking a lot of my time. I’m busy working on “The Flash” pilot, and “Arrow’s” still going strong. There’s obviously a lot of stuff brewing right now. Once we hit the new year, I don’t know when it’ll be talked about, but there’s another book coming.”
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Source: Comicbookresource