From WB Montreal, the developers of Arkham Origins, comes the final DLC installment, “Cold, Cold Heart” which features a younger Batman going head-to-head with the debut of Arkhamverse Mr. Freeze.
To give a taste of what’s to arrive, an extended sneak peek has been released, showcasing the first 30 minutes of the unreleased DLC.
For those who cannot watch the video, or can’t be bothered to watch all 30 minutes, here’s a small summary:
Ferris Doyle, a philanthropist, is winning an award for his work at the Wayne Manor, when Mister Freeze, backed by Penguin’s goons, storm the manor. The award winner is kidnapped and Bruce Wayne spurs into action, maneuvering through his home to the Batcave. After donning his suit, Batman fights off more of Penguin’s lackeys, whom have been supplied with cyrogenic weapons ala Freeze. Bats is able to momentarily rescue Ferris, but the man is kidnapped again by Mister Freeze, whom takes him to an unknown location that Bruce believes a dealer of Penguin may know.
According to Gamingbolt, this DLC will be more ‘open-world orientated’ rather than its predecessor, “Initiations”, which relied heavily on “challenge map sized levels”. As per the open-world nature of the DLC, Batman will be engaged in battling goons and solving more puzzles, with a lot more room to roam around.
Another new feature is the XE suit which Batman will need to combat Mister Freeze. It also features new ‘heat gauntlets’ which he can use to “take out minions with freeze guns along with breaking through barriers and freeing frozen hostages.”
This new Arkham DLC, “Cold, Cold Heart” will be released this month for the PS3, PC, and Xbox360 on April 22nd.
Source: Gamingbolt