Hi DC fans, this is Sam Kittrel, and while I’d planned to announce it in advance but between booking enough space to fit six of my ‘lovely assistants’ and getting caught up in finishing the rest of my day to day life stuff, DC Comics News was at Phoenix Comic Con this year!
It was a fantastic experience and not only was it my first full stay for an entire convention, it was also my first convention working as a journalist.
I met a ton of incredible DC comic fans, a handful of really excellent cosplayers, and even managed to snag (brief, unfortunately) interviews with two guys you might have heard of before inBryan Q. Miller and Francis Manapul.
In addition to the interviews, I hit the convention floor trying to find the best DC Cosplayers out of those in attendance and ended up meeting a crowd of people that take comics as seriously as they take costumes.
Here’s the best of the DC Comics Cosplayers I ran into at Phoenix comic Con 2014:

The hallmark of any comic con, Steampunk Batwoman and Superman!