Grant Morrison Maps DC Earths in ‘Multiversity’

by Marilyn Lovo
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DC unveils an interactive map of its Multiverse, and Grant Morrison maps out DC Earths in Multiversity.


The ever evolving world of DC Comics, home to the most heroic of heroes and the most notorious of villains, has never been more complicated, but acclaimed comic book writer Grant Morrison has taken up the challenge of making sense of DC’s Multiverse of 52 Earths, creating stories and a map with various artists in a monthly series debuting this week with The Multiversity No. 1.

Morrison has spent the last five years working on this project, sketching out his ideas, while also working on others.

Grant Morrison holds the map of the Multiverse.

Grant Morrison holds the map of the Multiverse.

“I love the idea of parallel worlds. I haven’t been doing this every day. It hasn’t been like the Sistine Chapel. This was always the project that I kept in the back of my mind. Most of my work is almost like live performance — you do it, put it out and move on. This I could go back to,” said Morrison.



The multiple realities are an integral part of the DC universe. On the map, everything DC has ever published is accounted for in one of the worlds. The map includes Earth Zero where Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and other members of the Justice League live, the cube-shaped Bizarro world first revealed in 1960, where all logic and behavior is the opposite of Superman’s Earth, and other worlds. Some of these worlds offer reinventions of DC icons, including one where Batman and other Justice League heroes are vampires, an idea inspired by “Batman & Dracula: Red Rain,” a graphic novel by Doug Moench and Kelley Jones.

“I think people find the notion of a ‘what if’ always interesting. What if the Nazis won World War II, and what if it was with Superman’s help? I think people just like those types of stories. What if it was a world of reverse gender, and it was Batwoman and Superwoman and Wonder Man?”

Seven of these worlds are purposefully left unknown.

“There always has to be a mystery,” said Morrison. “It wouldn’t be much fun if you explained everything.”



Standalone comics that take a different look at DC’s historic titles and characters will follow the series and will end with The Multiversity No. 2.




Source: LA Times

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