Futures End Teasers

by Julian Bartlett
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forever evil 0In DC comics latest story arc, Futures End, we are thrown five years into the future and things are looking awfully grim. We’ve seen Terry McGinnis and his conflict with Brother Eye to the funeral of Oliver Queen. It seems in the coming weeks things are going to get even darker. The new books in the series will feature teasers giving hints about what could be in-store for the DCU.

Two of the most intriguing pictures are of the one-on-one with Mcginnis and Batman and the Joker/Batman picture where it looks like they could be becoming machine. I can only speculate and say that Terry isn’t fitting Bruce Wayne but is actually going up against an android version of the Dark Knight. It looks as if Brother Eye has the capability to copy not only Batman but the Joker as well. Powerful puppets controlled by an even more powerful puppet master. In any case Brother Eye is ripping through the pages of DC with terror.

Futures End Teaser #1
Futures End Teaser #2
Futures End Teaser #3
Futures End Teaser #4
Futures End Teaser #5
Futures End Teaser #6

The New 52 had great success with Forever Evil and Futures End hasn’t missed a step. With all the chaos surrounding the New 52 universe right now and the arc soon coming to an end something seems inevitable. A new DC crisis event would be where I put my stock. Rich Johnson of Bleeding Cool is considered a reliable source in the realm of comic book rumors. In an article he talks about the DC “Band-Aid” project, “consists of twenty two-part stories plus a weekly book running through the two months, totalling 48 books in all.” Johnson continues, “will include Pre-52 versions of various DC characters, face to face with their New 52 counterparts.” This is all just rumor at this point but it does sound interesting.

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Sources: Comicbookresources, Nerdist, & Comicbookmovie





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