[EDITOR’S NOTE: This article contains spoilers from Batman/ Superman #15. Only proceed if you want to know what happens.]
One of the things fans seem to dislike about DC Comics’ New 52 is that the romance that lasted over 70 years between Superman and Lois Lane has been completely erased. But it seems that romantic tension is rising between Lois Lane and -believe it or not- Batman.
In issue 15 of Batman/Superman, Batman and Superman seemed to have had their memories stolen from them by the demon Satanus and his underling Kaiyo Chaosbringer. Some time later Batman knocks on the door of Lois Lane’s hotel room at the Hotel Luxe in Gotham City (See panels below).
(Panels courtesy of Comic Vine)
So with those past few panels, there’s obviously a lot of sparks flying. Both literally and figuratively speaking. Though Batman’s thoughts may be clouded at the moment, this could be a teaser at a potential romance between these two characters in future stories. After all, Batman is well-known as quite the ladies man, even in his alter ego Bruce Wayne he has a way with women.
This could just be harmless flirting between two people working closely together or, as previously stated, it could be a teaser at a potential romance between the Dark Knight and the Daily Planet reporter. After all, Bruce Wayne has been seen courting Lois Lane in certain other forms of media.
Source(s): Comic Book Movie