Fans have certainly come to love the annual DC variant covers for their comics. From the Robot Chicken covers to the Bombshells, these books have been flying of the shelves. This November will be LEGO month and December will showcase Darwyn Cooke. DC announced recently that January will be full of Flash variants in honor of Flash 75. That’s right 2015 will bring the 75th anniversary of the original Flash, Jay Garrick. This milestone is not accomplished by every superhero in comics. This is a big deal and DC chose the perfect way to pay homage. The Scarlet Speedster will be racing through 22 of the biggest DC titles.
- Action Comics #38 by Dave Johnson
- Aquaman #38 by Steve Rude
- Batgirl #38 by Aaron Lopresti
- Batman #38 by Tony Daniel
- Batman and Robin #38 by Dave Bullock
- Batman/Superman #18 by Jim Lee & Scott Williams
- Catwoman #38 by Ty Templeton
- Detective Comics #38 by Josh Middleton
- The Flash #38 by Howard Porter
- Harley Quinn #14 by Bruce Timm
- Grayson #6 by Jock
- Green Lantern #38 by Doug Mahnke
- Green Lantern Corps #38 by Bill Sienkiewicz
- Justice League #38 by Tony Harris
- Justice League Dark #38 by Kelley Jones
- Justice League United #8 by Karl Kerschl
- Sinestro #9 by Ethan Van Sciver
- Supergirl #38 Michael Avon Oeming
- Superman #38 by Kevin Nowlan
- Superman/Wonder Woman #15 by Ivan Reis
- Teen Titans #6 by Mike Allred
- Wonder Woman #38 by Terry & Rachel Dodson
Having seen only a handful of the artwork for these books I have to say they look great. Clean, bright, and classic are all words that come to mind when flipping through the covers.

These are going to be the hot comics in January. So don’t miss your chance to celebrate Flash 75 by picking up as many of the beautiful covers presented by DC.
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