The winter premieres of both The Flash and Arrow are almost upon us. A lot of us were left on the edge of are seats during the mid-season finales. After seeing the Reverse-Flash up close and personal the only thing close to topping it could be seeing Ra’s have a sword fight with Oliver. Oh wait, I saw that as well. Both finales were packed with action and emotion.
Towards the back half of The Flash’s season things really started to take off and blossom. The Rogues are starting to take shape and now Barry has been face-to-face with the man who murdered his mother. When the show kicks back off later this January I’m excited to see what’s going to be happening in Central City. Luckily for me, and you, some of the cast members at The Flash talked a little bit about what is coming for the Scarlet Speedster and his crew. Episode 10 of The Flash is going to be a big one. Entitled “Revenge of the Rogues” this episode will team-up Captain Cold (Wentworth Miller) and
Heatwave (Dominic Purcell) to take on Flash. Having a chemistry from performing together on Prison Break, Miller had this to say about their coming together on The Flash. “They aren’t friends, but they do have a kind of intimacy.” Also, Captain Cold’s sister Lisa Snart will make an appearance and stir up some fun with Cisco. Finally Danielle Panabaker, who plays Caitlin Snow, mention’s what might happen after the sudden spotting of her once thought dead fiance. “There are some moments – maybe she goes back to a bar? maybe she makes some bad decisions? – that are really fun.” Mark Hamill will soon be making his appearance as Trickster and Grant Gustin will sing.
As far as the Arrow finale goes only one word comes to mind. EPIC. The three big things in the season so far are the death of Sara Lance, Laurel’s transformation into Black Canary, and the sword that Ra’s al Ghul put through Ollie’s chest. What’s to come after Oliver Queen’s death? How will the show go on from here? Marc Guggenheim had quite a few choice words in regards to upcoming episodes of Arrow. It’s been known that the first three episodes back will deal heavily with Laurel finally becoming Black Canary. Guggenheim says, “these are among the best we’ve ever done. They’re incredibly compelling.” He also says that the aftermath of everything “makes it necessary” for Laurel to become something else. David Ramsey mentions that Diggle will be very “emotional” in the first returning episode. He also mentions that H.I.V.E. could soon play a factor again. In my opinion this is how Slade will come back. The leader of the H.I.V.E. organization. Andrew Kreisberg also confirms that another special-ops group will be coming back. “We’re definitely going to bring back the Suicide Squad.”
Don’t miss both shows when they return to CW later this January.
The Flash comes back January 20 at 8/7c & Arrow returns January 21 at 8/7c
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Source: TVLine(Flash) & TVLine(Arrow)