Umberto “El Mayimbe” Gonzalez from Latino Review reported that actor Jay Hernandez will be playing Chato Santana, better known as El Diablo, in David Ayer’s Suicide Squad coming in 2016. Hernandez’s part in the film as described as being “small,” as it will only be a cameo in the film. When he is shown, he will be a “prisoner being held in the super-powered criminal part of the prison.”
However, this is not the only rumor we’re presented with. When this part of the prison is explored, El Diablo can be seen imprisoned alongside other super-powered inmates such as Killer Frost, Block Buster, King Shark and Livewire.
El Mayimbe posted this collage of villains via Instagram along with many other photos regarding Suicide Squad, possibly to tease fans about which of their favorite prisoners will be cameos in the upcoming film.
It is unknown at this time if these claims are true or if this bunch will actually be used to further the story of the film at any point but it would be exciting just knowing that these characters exist in the DC Cinematic Universe. Though fans will almost definitely want to see fan favorites King Shark and Killer Frost used in a story at some point. Because that ship sails itself.
Suicide Squad will be in theaters August 5, 2016.
Source(s): Comic Book