Order 66 Creatures & Effects are a creative company that creates creatures, costumes and effects for film, TV and private collectors internationally. On their Facebook page they have hinted at the fact that they are building what looks to be a brilliant Arkham Origins Batsuit! There is no shortage of Batman costumes out there, but there are costumes, then there are inspired Batsuits that set the benchmark. Order 66 Creatures & Effects work is simply stunning, their detail, quality, and realism will leave you breathless.
If you are a fan of the blockbuster console game, Batman: Arkham Origins then you will want to keep an eye on their Facebook page for further updates because the teaser images suggest this Batsuit will be epic!
Here are the images taken from their news feed over recent times. Enjoy, and be sure to check out their page for a snapshot of their work. Their post from May 6 is very impressive, it’s a short clip you will need to watch on their page.