DC Comics has released via CBR, the official preview for Vertigo’s American Vampire: Second Cycle #11.
Official Synopsis
From the depths of Area 51 to outer space, “Dark Moon” has pushed our cast to the limit. Be there for the jaw-dropping finale, as the forces of the Tongue make their final shocking play. The great weapon—Issaku—is revealed as the battle for the soul of a country and our characters reaches its shocking climax. This extra-sized issue is the end for the Second Cycle of AMERICAN VAMPIRE, but look for the Third Cycle to begin in early 2016!
Take a look at the preview below.
- Written by Scott Snyder
- Art by Rafael Albuquerque
- Colors by Dave McCaig
- Cover by Rafael Albuquerque
American Vampire: Second Cycle #11 will hit shelves on 11/25/2015.
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