The Bombshells fight against the Axis continues as Mera leads an attack on a German U-boat which leads her to discover the two Soviet defectors, Star Girl and Supergirl. Â Batwoman is behind enemy lines in Berlin where she meets members of the German underground and teams up with Catwoman and Lex Luthor.
The Positive
We’ve had several issues introducing our cast of characters, but now it feels like the story is finally getting moving. Â Both Mera and Batwoman separately encounter the monstrous German soldiers. Â The action is especially great in Batwoman’s story. Â Kate gets the majority of the story here. Â She is lead to an underground club where she meets Helena. Â Huntress is immediately recognizable even in the Bombshell style and Kate is immediately struck by how gifted she is.
The other half of the book is Mera. Â First she sinks a U-boat with help from some whales, and we get brief flashes of a darkness in her past that maybe she is running from. Â Everything is interrupted when Star Girl and Supergirl show up. Â We get a fight between the three of them before the truth is revealed that they are trying to defect from Soviet Russia. Â It’s great seeing Mera shown as powerful but not without heart.
The Negative
The book closes with a brief glimpse into what our other Bombshell heroes are doing.  We get one page of Wonder Woman escaping, another page of Harley and Ivy leading an attack on what we assume our German troops, and lastly we get a few pages of Zatanna and Constantine (in rabbit form) who appear to be trapped in some kind of magical labyrinth.  It all just feels like filler, though.  I would’ve liked to see Wonder Woman and Harley & Ivy’s stories expanded out more, instead of these teasers.
The Verdict
The Bombshell story continues to be a lot of fun. Â It’s nice to see the story really moving forward now and the action heating up. Â This issue suffers a bit by trying to do too much, but that can be a problem with a cast this large and spread out.