[Editor’s note: This review may contain spoilers.]
Writer: Dan Abnett
Pencils: Brett Booth
Wally West continues his battle with the villain Kadabra, who has captured the remaining Titans and Linda Park! As Wally faces doubts about his return to the DC Universe, he has to gain the confidence to save his friends and his love! Only the Flash can save Linda and the Titans–and Wally needs to run!
I’m enjoying the return of Wally West! This book so far has been great to read, as Wally is trying to pick up the pieces of a life he literally left behind. It seems that with the good parts of his own history also comes the bad with the return of his longtime enemy, Kadabra. Kadabra has captured the Titans and has them spread out in different parts of the country, ready to be killed at his command! Wally has literally seconds to save them all, including Linda Park, who has no idea who he really is because of Rebirth! Wally overcomes his fear and doubt to save his friends and love but it comes a personal cost!
I have nothing really negative to say about the issue, as each page was filled with nothing but action. This entire book was dedicated to The Flash saving his friends and his love, and Wally looked great doing so. Towards the ending Dan Abnett however leaves you scratching your head though. I don’t want to ruin the conclusion at all but I’m really hoping Wally isn’t going to have another experience with the Speed Force so soon in the series especially since he’s just returned from it.
Titans #5 is great book that gives a great introduction to Kadabra, if you’re not already familiar with his character. Abnett does a great job of reintroducing him and reminding us just exactly how powerful and how much of a threat he can be. Hopefully we’ll have more conflicts between the two in the future because he’s one of my favorite Flash villains for Wally to face.