In a recent interview, Gal Gadot seemingly confirmed she is set to appear in the upcoming film, Flashpoint starring Ezra Miller as The Flash.
Comic book fans that know the graphic novel Flashpoint by writer Geoff Johns and artist Andy Kubert may not be surprised by this news considering the significant role Wonder Woman plays in the storyline.
The graphic novel sees Barry Allen go back in time to rescue his mother from being murdered, but in doing so, he creates an alternate timeline. When he returns home, nothing is as it was and no one is who he or she once were. Among some of the changes: Superman is missing and Batman is even darker, broodier and older than before. But the biggest changes are found in Aquaman and Wonder Woman. They not only come across as evil versions of themselves, but their respective nations are at war with one another with the fate of the world caught in between.
Flashpoint was adapted once before into the 2013 animated DC Universe film, The Flashpoint Paradox.
Flashpoint is set for release in 2020, but as of this writing, a director has yet to be found after a few false starts due to creative differences.