DC Comic’s super-weird imprint has found some great success since launching last year. The new Doom Patrol and Cave Carson titles were almost instant critical darlings, and Mother Panic shone a light on parts of Gotham that are rarely spoken of.
Aside from the occasional cameo, though, these titles have been a part of their own corner of the DCU, set apart from most mainline titles. That’s changing this January, as each ongoing Young Animal title will cross over with the main universe.
Per DC:
“Milk Wars” will mash up DC’s Young Animal with characters from the DC Universe, beginning with a JUSTICE LEAGUE/DOOM PATROL SPECIAL from Orlando and Way, followed by SHADE, THE CHANGING GIRL/WONDER WOMAN SPECIAL, MOTHER PANIC/BATMAN SPECIAL, CAVE CARSON/SWAMP THING SPECIAL and DOOM PATROL/JUSTICE LEAGUE SPECIAL. The weekly crossover adventure begins January 31.
Mother Panic and Batman are no-brainers, but Cave Carson and Swamp Thing?! January 31, get here now.
Head to the DC blog for more info, including details on some upcoming new Young Animal titles, as well as the long-awaited relaunch of the Vertigo publishing brand.

Doom Patrol/Justice League Special