The TV show Gotham will return Thursday, March 1st, on Fox for its mid-season premiere. Fans can also expect a new actor in the role of Scarecrow as actor Charlie Tahan will be leaving to return to another project.
A new trailer for the mid-season premiere of Gotham is available on-line. A lot of the footage is from an earlier promo video that came out before the show went on break back in December. Check it out down below:
As you can see, you can expect all your favorite characters returning for the new season, including fan-favorite Cameron Monaghan as Jok….er…uhm…Jerome. If you’re not caught up on the show, you can watch previous seasons on Netflix and other services and see a unique perspective on the Batman universe.
For the more visually astute fans among you, expect to see a new actor to portray Stephen Crane/Scarecrow. Actor Charlie Tahan (see below), is leaving the show to return to another project he’s already worked on. Tahan will return to work on the Netflix show Ozark, which was renewed for its second season. Tahan’s role is significantly larger on Ozark so it makes sense for the actor to choose that role over Scarecrow.
As for Tahan’s replacement, it’s being reported that actor David W. Thompson will be stepping in to fill the role. Thompson’s most notable role is that of Tad in 2015’s Green Room. Here’s a pic:
We here at DCN think he’ll fit in really well.
Gotham returns March 1st.
Images courtesy of Newsrama and IMDB.