Review: Exit Stage Left: The Snagglepuss Chronicles #5

by Tony Farina
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[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Mark Russell

Artist: Mike Feehan

Inker: Mark Morales

Writer of Sasquatch Detective: Brandee Stilwell

Artist of Sasquatch Detective: Gus Vazquez



Tragedy hits hard. Lives are in flux. The Russians and the United States heat up the nuclear arms race while the House Un-American Activities Committee puts the heat on our humanoid hero. Seriously, giving away anything else in this summary would ruin this issue.


Do you know how sometimes you are looking at one thing and then you realize you are looking at something else entirely? No? Do you remember when you first realized Frog and Toad were more than friends? Is this that time for you? If so, sorry if I ruined your childhood. If not, check this out. Snagglepuss and Gigi Allen are having it out on the floor of the House of Representatives. It is 1953. The Red Scare is in full effect. SP drops this knowledge:

“I know you are all afraid. I wish I could tell you the threat isn’t real. I wish I could tell you that everything will be alright, but I can not. I only know that a nation must conquer its fears or become them.”

So here we are. It is 2018. The Supreme Court is about to decide if the President’s “travel (Muslim) ban” is going to be legal. Thousands of people who have marched from Central America to the United States to seek asylum from brutal conditions have been held at the border in Mexico or have been turned away.

Hmmm. Wait, what? Frog and Toad are not just friends?

Mark Russell has managed to take a Saturday morning cartoon character who had one joke “Exit, Stage Left” and turned him into the hero we all need. Mike Feehan has managed to take that same character, who, like all of his Hanna Barbera brothers and sisters, was so oddly drawn that they could only be two dimensional and absurd, and turned him into such a strong character that the fact he is not wearing pants goes unnoticed. Feehan has shown angst and pain and joy. It is a sight to behold.


Positives Coda

Sasquatch Detective happens in this issue again. It is good in its own way. It has grown on me. It does not belong here, but give it a look. It is bright and colorful and silly (in a good way).



Nothing springs to mind. I am hurt by what happens in this issue. Even though I saw it coming, (cover art foreshadowing for the win) I still was in pain.



From cover to cover, this book has a soul. It has heart. It has a compelling story that uses the lens of history to point out our present. There is strong message being told here. Read this book. Give it to your friends. Talk about it. Share it. It is important. Do it now.




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