Want a role in a DC movie or TV show? Well the answer to getting cast is simple: audition for the role of Batman!
This method worked for Cillian Murphy in landing the role of Scarecrow in Christoper Nolan’s Dark Knight Trilogy and it’s also how Jason Momoa became the “King of Atlantis”, Aquaman.

Originally, Momoa auditioned for the role of Batman for Zack Snyder’s Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, but knowing he had a very slim chance in becoming The Dark Knight, the actor took a very different approach to the iconic DC hero.
“I kind of visualized, because it was a generic kind of just general sense for The Dark Knight…it was a big casting call so I knew a lot of people were going to be doing it and I just felt like it was a booby trap and I didn’t to do it. My agent’s like, ‘Do it!’ So we did it. I just pretended Batman got killed in an alleyway and I picked it up and tried to play him like I was just down and out, poor, over it, just done wrong and he wasn’t afraid to punch even good people in the face.”
The approach must have struck a cord with Snyder as he (Momoa) received a call back a few weeks later.
“They like that and then I got called in about probably two or three weeks later and that’s when Zack laid it down and said ‘I want you to play Aquaman’, which was like ‘Excuse me?'”
While Jason Momoa might not have made a very good Batman, there is no doubt that he will nail the role of Aquaman and help reinvent a comic book character that many fans consider a “joke” into a major player in the mainstream universe.
Aquaman hits theaters in the U.S. on December 21st.
Are you excited to see Momoa reprise his role as Aquaman? Would you have liked to see him as Batman? Let us know in the comments!