Review: Suicide Squad #50

by Christian Ruiz
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[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Rob Williams

Artist: Brent Schoonover, Will Conrad, German Peralta

Colors: Gabe Eltaeb

Letters: Dave Sharpe



The infection in Temho Me4ta prison spreads, and cannot be allowed to reach the surface. The Suicide Squad is all that stands in the way of a global pandemic. It’s line-in-the-sand time: Will the Squad be forced to live up to its name? Don’t miss this extra-sized anniversary issue!


Wow. The final issue really brought its A game. With the squad facing its greatest threat, Amanda Waller, they dig deep and rally together against a super powered head honcho. The ending included some great suspenseful moments and even some heartfelt ones between characters. Captain Boomerang and Deadshot have never been the closest of friends, but did have a moment that demonstrated how close the squad has become on all these missions. Even if forced, they did become a family.

Winding down to the final pages of the book felt almost like a film playing out in front of you. Will our heroes get away? Will they survive? It was incredibly intense and with a great pay off to send our heroes home.


Most of the story hinged on Rick Flag’s past and his sins coming back to haunt him, and while this was a great kicking off point and a good way to give a low level character some more screen time, I didn’t really connect with Flag or his past and would’ve enjoyed this arc much earlier in the series to really setup the character as someone to care about instead of just another side character.


An incredible run for an incredible comic. While it’s had its ups and downs, it’s been an honor to review the final issues of the series, and while I didn’t have many to review, I was pleased with those i did and enjoyed them. As Waller said, once in the Squad, no one leaves. I hope to see this series pop up again, and when it does it will have a great base to kick off from.


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