[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Writer: Peter J. Tomasi
Art: Brad Walker & Andrew Hennessey
Colors: Nathan Fairbairn
Letters: Rob Leigh
Batman comes face to face with the Arkham Knight and his army. After a brief engagement and both parties seeming to want to keep others out of the crossfire, the two sides retreat simultaneously. Wounded, and with Jim Gordon’s help, Bruce returns to the cave to seek out Alfred and Damian’s insight. Damian, while Bruce recovers from the encounter, heads off on a lead to Aparo Bay and ends up getting captured by the Arkham Knight.
Damian is left with little resources, but manages to free himself, and ends up face to face with an unmasked Arkham Knight.
This issue focuses more on the mystery of the Knight’s identity than what could’ve been a protracted battle between the two. This provides Bruce, Damian and Alfred some enjoyable interaction. Again, it’s nice to see Batman and Gordon on good terms. The Jim Aparo reference in the name of Aparo Bay should be enjoyed by older Batman fans who are familiar with his work.
Damian gets a bit of a spotlight as he takes matters into his own hands. It’s particularly interesting to see Damian get a look at the Knight’s face even if the audience doesn’t. Damian’s reaction indicates either horror or familiarity. Or,perhaps, both!
Positives Cont.
While it seemed that this issue was going to be a showdown between Batman and Arkham Knight, the misdirection is greatly appreciated as it offers a deeper look at the Knight. The two are shown to have similarities in their regard for the innocent as the Knight saves a police officer from a stray bullet. The situation seems to makes the two combatants pause and rethink the situation.
No real negatives. The mystery of the Knight, while intriguing, is still not quantifiable and is a wild card as to how it will affect the story line.
Detective Comics #1002 is a very good issue that doesn’t telegraph its punches. It would’ve been easy for the Arkham Knight, having already displayed disdain for Batman and his methods to come at him with everything right away. There’s more to the Arkham Knight just as there’s more to the Batman, and this issue suggests that they may end up realizing this about each other.