Review: BATMAN #70
[Editor’s note: This review may contain spoilers!]
Writer: Tom King
Artists: Mikel Janin and Jorge Fornes
Colors: Jordie Bellaire
Letters: Clayton Cowles
Reviewed by: Steven Brown
The Dark Knight has finally broken free of his mental prison and it’s hell to pay! Trapped in Arkham Asylum, Batman is finally free of Bane’s mental hold. Being trapped in his own mind for what seems like days, a tired and exhausted Batman makes his way through the halls of Arkham. Will he find Bane? And when he does–what’s next?
There’s nothing like seeing an angry Batman in action, and Tom King throws it all at us in this issue! Being held captive by Bane in Arkham Asylum, Batman is drugged and forced to endure mental torture. Living out amazing fantasies, horrible nightmares and shocking revelations, the Dark Knight wakes up to the Riddler welcoming him back to the real world. As Batman breaks free of his restraints, the Riddler asks him a simple riddle. Batman’s response? A knee to Riddler’s face and the answer to the riddle! From there Batman proceeds to make his way through the halls of Arkham, knocking out anyone who gets in his way. Freeze, Firefly, Mad Hatter and more of the Batman’s most dangerous adversaries find themselves in the Dark Knight’s crosshairs as he searches for Bane.
The most disturbing moment was probably his encounter with Scarecrow. Scarecrow injected Batman with his fear toxin while he was imprisoned, and Batman said he recognized the formula even while he was incapacitated. Scarecrow proceeds to spray fear gas at Batman, but it has no effect and it instead makes Scarecrow more afraid of Batman!
I have no complaints at all about this issue! If you read my last review then you would know that Batman getting free would only be a matter of time–it’s just a question of what would happen once he escaped! Now that Batman’s free, his top priority is not only looking for Bane but also Thomas Wayne– who’s also the Batman of Flashpoint! I’m still wondering why and how this alliance between Thomas and Bane even came about, but I’m eager to see exactly where it takes us.
Batman #70 is a great read and I’m looking forward to the next issue! Although Batman didn’t run across Bane at all in this issue, Batman made a statement with the bodies he leaves broken in Arkham Asylum! Batman even mocks Bane along the way, noting that with everything that he’s been through in his life as Batman–the best Bane could do was come up with mind games? I’m definitely looking forward to the final confrontation between Batman and Bane!