Review: Books of Magic #9

by Tony Farina
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[Editor’s Note: This Review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Kat Howard

Artist: Tom Fowler and Brian Churilla

Colors: Jordan Boyd

Letters: Todd Klein


Reviewer: Tony Farina


If you came to Books of Magic this month expecting another adventure with Tim and Rose, you will be disappointed. However, if you came to Books of Magic expecting an exciting tale that stars Tim’s only friend Ellie, then you dear reader are in the right spot. Ellie has been captured and we finally know where she is. It is not where thought it would be, but let’s just say, she isn’t far at all from where she was actually captured. No spoilers here, but it is spectacular.



First, take a look at that cover. It is right up there. Look. Look closer. Linger on it. That thing is beautiful. I mean, it took me a while to get going on this read because that cover is so perfect. Then, I opened the book and I see this tense, perfectly crafted, sort of standalone story that deals with just Ellie and her plight. There is a brief cameo of Zatana, which is never a bad choice. The art work here done by Tom Fowler and Brian Churilla is really kind of absurdly good. Close your eyes and imagine your favorite thing becoming a nightmare and then, imagine it coming to life and capturing you. Now, ope your eyes and feast on this:

Kat Howard’s story telling is so tight in Books of Magic.  She wastes nothing. There is no speck of dialogue that is out of place or wasted. There are no gaping holes in her plot. She never gets in the way of her art team. Some one should give her even more awards than she already has. Ellie, who up to now, has been a plot point and side character, springs to life and because Howard has made her so important to Tim this whole time, we realize she is important to us as well. She matters and we are worried about her and we want her to be OK.



Here is who will hate Books of Magic.  People who hate books. People who hate stunning comic book art. People who dislike excellent story telling. Everyone else should love it.



I am not sure what to say that I have not said already except that this book constantly gets better. We do not have anything higher than a five star review, so I can not give it one. Go get the TPB of the first six and then buy these new three and then, go to your local shop and put a hold on Books of Magic.


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