Titans 2×03: With the re-emergence of Doctor Light, the old Titans reluctantly return to the Titans tower to strategise against their old enemy. But the secrets of the Titans’ past threaten to tear apart this newly formed team from within.

“Save the Speech for the JV Team” – Hawk.
Hawk (Hank Hall) immediately sets the stage with Dick Grayson (Brenton Thwaites) that Hawk, Dove, Donna, and Dick are the adults in the Titans. This immediately separation provides us enough to know there is an A and B squad in terms of the Titans! And consequently, that sets the stage for drama.
With this many heroes, you are going to get egos. Donna is tough on Dick. Hank is tough on himself and has set a bench mark that may be unattainable. And Dawn seems to be in it as a thrill seeker.
Hank and Dawn are my favorites at this point as they are the “Chip and Joanna Gaines” of the group.
“Thinning the herd”… that’s pretty ominous from Deathstroke. And maybe a bit of foreshadowing for Jason Todd. Speaking of Jason, our resident “Robin 2.0 whatever”, you can really see where he is chasing his tail a bit and can’t get out of his own way. Curran Walters is bringing this character to life and is doing such a great job of making him “unlikeable” that I just feel this is a set up! Especially given the conclusion of the episode…It’s not Joker with a crowbar, but Deathstroke in all of his glory! You can’t go rogue when you are part of a team.
Dick’s role of a mentor to Jason breaks a bit from comic canon, but this is Titans and arguably, his time to shine!
Finally, Jason Todd’s tension with Rose as she loses control a bit of her powers! Good Stuff!

Positives (continue)