It’s a whole new story arc and a new villain (maybe?) ready to take on the Amazing Amazon! Who Valda, and why is she crossing swords with Diana in a seedy Boston bar of all places?!
After the historic 80th Anniversary issue, it’s now well established that of all the heroes in the DC pantheon Princess Diana may have inspired them all! Continuing to carve a new path for the Amazing Amazon in Wonder Woman #752, an entirely new enemy is entering into the picture with the first part of “The Iron Maiden” arc. A time-displaced warrior, Varla is drawer her sword in a crowded Boston haunt, and Diana has to determine is she friend or foe? Is Varla just the first wave of challenges from The Golden Perfect set to strike?
Here’s your “First Look” at Wonder Woman #752:

Wonder Woman #752 is written by Steve Orlando, with art by Max Raynor and color by Romula Fajardo Jr. Cover art by Guillem March. The issue hits newsstands on Feb 26, 2020, and will retail for $3.99.