Review: Basketful of Heads #7
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Writer: Joe Hill
Artist: Leomacs
Colors: Dave Stewart
Letters: Deron Bennett
Reviewer: Tony Farina
It’s time for a final swing of the axe. In the darkest, coldest hours of the night, June Branch finds herself up against the dead-eyed killer who abducted her lover…and comes face to face with some truths even more horrifying than a basketful of heads.
Basketful of Heads #7 is a bonus. We thought we were only getting six, so that is a positive. Before I wax poetic about Leomacs, I will let you look upon his glory here. There will be poetical waxing below.
What a page huh? This book is brilliant, but in the hands of Leomacs, it has become artistic. Horror can go several ways. It often, in the wrong hands, especially with a female lead, becomes grotesque. That is not what happened here. Sure, there are some unsettling images and blood splatter and beheadings, but June is always treated with the respect that a leading lady deserves both from Leomacs and from Joe Hill.
Joe Hill has created an epic series here. He flips the “final girl” trope on its head and then he tickles its feet. He makes fun of the idea of a final girl who survives because she is pure or because she is some other stupid thing. June Branch survives because she is smarter, stronger, and more resilient than every other person on Brody Island. I loved everything about this series. It should be thought in creative writing programs all around the world. The zigs often zag and the readers benefit from it.
Every cover of this series has been a work of art and then the alternate cover has been just as amazing, if not better. In this case, please, judge a book by its cover.
The only problem with this issue is that this means the series is over. I hope Joe gets the band back together next year. I would love to see what June is up to.
Look, if you haven’t read Basketful of Heads, you have been missing out. Just because this is the final issue, it does not mean you shouldn’t immediately pre-order the trade or hunt down the back issues. What a brilliant way to end a brilliant book. Take a bow Joe, Leomacs, Dave and Deron. We all thank you.