DC’s Milestone resurrection – delayed for five years – is finally going to happen. And, according to co-founder Denys Cowan, the timing could not be better.
DC’s Milestone – Why the Delays and Where Are We Now?
Milestone was founded back in 1993 by African-American artists and writers with creator-owned African-American superheroes. These founders consisted of Cowan, Michael Davis, Derek T. Dingle, and the late Dwayne McDuffie. The aim was to increase representation of minorities, and Milestone – although published by DC Comics – did not fall under DC’s editorial jurisdiction. One of the most popular properties to spring forth from the “Dakotaverse” was the character Virgil Hawkins, aka Static. Static would go on to not only joing the DC Universe but have his own animated series Static Shock, of which cocreator McDuffie executive produced.
Originally scheduled for 2015, and announced at SDCC of that year, the relaunch had been postponed. This was due to a lawsuit filed on behalf of McDuffie’s estate. Thankfully, the matter has been resolved amongst all parties involved.
On the lawsuit, Cowan commented, “Not everything [printed about that lawsuit] was true, but there was still a situation. Well, that situation has been resolved to all parties’ satisfaction. So we’re all happy and the person that had an issue with it is happy. We’re all together; we’re all friends; we’re all good.” Cowan also stated additional delays occurred, of course, because of COVID-19, but progression was only slowed, not stopped.
“There’s going to be some new things that are going to be announced. But for all people who are thinking about Milestone, we thank you for your continued patience. There will be new stuff to see relatively soon. And [it’ll be good] because I think that now [Milestone] is needed more than ever.”
Beyond that, there were no formal dates as to when DC’s Milestone will make its grand return to publication.