Two upcoming installments of DC’s Dark Nights: Death Metal saga (Death Metal #3 & Legends of the Dark Knights) have both sold out ahead of their on-sale dates, and DC has announced second printings on the way to meet demand for these hotly anticipated issues! More and more readers are jumping into DC’s Metalverse with each issue of this heavy-metal summer-event miniseries!
Dark Nights: Death Metal #3 by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo, in stores August 11, has sold out ahead of on-sale, along with the anthology one-shot Dark Nights: Death Metal – Legends of the Dark Knights #1, in stores August 4. These issues continue the unfolding story of DC’s most metal-est event of all time, and also feature early appearances of new antagonist the Robin King.
“He’s definitely one of our darkest creations, but I love him because I want the heroes to go up against something that says ‘Everything you believe people to be, everything you hope we are, we aren’t,'” Snyder told Newsarama in a recent interview. “I want to show that with the Batman Who Laughs and the Robin King.”
Dark Nights: Death Metal #3 arrives in stores August 11 while Dark Nights: Death Metal #3’s second printing will arrive two weeks later in shops August 25 with a recolored version of the original cover by Greg Capullo.
Dark Nights: Death Metal – Legends of the Dark Knights #1’s second printing also arrives in shops August 25 with a recolored version of the original cover by Tony S. Daniel, three weeks after Dark Nights: Death Metal – Legends of the Dark Knights #1 hits shelves on August 4.