Review: Suicide Squad #11
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Writer: Tom Taylor
Artists: Bruno Redondo
Colorist: Andrino Lucas
Letterer: Wes Abbott
Reviewer: Tony Farina
The explosive final issue is here! Task Force X has been through hell and back. Now they’re the last thing standing between a human bomb and an island full of innocents. Which means that even if they win the day, there’s nowhere to run when the Justice League arrives to clean house!
The best thing I can say about Suicide Squad #11 besides the fact that it is over, is Zoe’s story. I really do think there is will be a new Deadshot in town and it will be her. Floyd was never an anti-hero, but DC has been trying to hard to make him one. The best they could do was to give him a tragic, heroicish death and allow the mantle to pass to his daughter. I could see a Harley/Deadshot book in the future. In the right hands, that would be really amazing. The ending of this makes me feel like that is the plan.
I never liked this iteration of the team and Suicide Squad #11 does not really help. I didn’t buy that Kord was the baddie. I don’t care for the Blackmask as a shape shifter either. The new cast is not super important to me and I just never felt like I could care enough about them. Either kill them off, or don’t, but the fact that someone was brought back in this issue was just nuts. I mean, there is a joke about no one staying dead in comics. I get it, but can’t they stay dead for at least a full run?
I am a grouch, I know. I am not trying to be the “That’s not my Suicide Squad guy.” It isn’t that this is a new team, it is that they tried so hard to shoehorn Floyd, Digger and Harley into this when they clearly didn’t fit. It was just all over the place and I never thought it landed on its feet. Honestly, that last panel makes me interested for what is to come. This team, not as the Squad, but as something else, with a story they can make their own where the characters can develop into fully formed people whom readers can like, or hate, or feel anything.