Bat in the Sun is an independent self contained film and music production company who are known for their amazing superhero fan films. Over the years they have produced both DC and Marvel inspired content, you may have come across their super hero beat down films via their YouTube channel.
Kevin Porter is known at the Internet’s very own Batman. His portrayal of the Dark Knight has become legendary. Adding to his take on Batman, Aaron Schoenke who co-founded the production company is a director but also has been in front of the camera portraying a host of characters. His persona of the Joker is phenomenal.
Time Magazine was quoted saying
“Hollywood could learn from Bat in the Sun”
Early 2020 they announced a new Batman fan film that is due for release in February of this year. Their content is professionally made for the fans and I can’t remember every being disappointed when watching one of their films. Upon starting the project they created a campaign to raise funds to help create the film. Everything donated goes directly into the film and perks for the fans. You can still donate and attain a host of perks on offer. Details can be found here.
I have had the pleasure previously interviewing and talking with Kevin Porter, you can find those interviews here and here. There is something special about this film, the movie poster alone should get you excited for what is to come. See below
Two weeks ago, Bat in the Sun released a new movie poster and I love the focus on the Bat. Check it out
Stay tuned for the release of the film in February, let us know if you have watched their content previously and what you thought. We will review the film post release so keep an eye out and follow us online.