Ahoy Comics Review: Happy Hour #3[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Writer: Peter Milligan
Art: Michael Montenat
Colors: Felipe Sobreiro
Letters: Rob Steen
Reviewed by: Matthew B. Lloyd
While escaping Gleeville, Jerry succumbs to his suspicious about Kim and Landor Cohen sends a “rescue mission” for Hamm. But, it’s not exactly what you might think.
What stands out about Happy Hour #3 immediately is the emotional rollercoaster Milligan and Montenat put the reader on from the outset. Both with Kim and Jerry and Hamm and Landor, things go in both directions. Additionally, Milligan continues to muddy the waters as we finally get to see the resident’s of Landor Cohen’s commune in Mexico.
Since issue # 1, Milligan and Montenat have been developing the relationship between Jerry and Kim. And, it’s so well done there’s not been a hint of subterfuge along the way. With Happy Hour #3, we get the first inkling that there could be something amiss, OR it could just be Jerry sabotaging things inside his own head. It’s a really well balanced situation, and yet as we see here, its demise either way will be heartbreaking. Of course, despite the notion in the story that being miserable is “ok,” human nature dictates that the reader wants to see these two happy, and happy together. It’s a simply brilliant counterbalance of themes.
Positives Cont’d
As we are introduced to the inhabitants of Landor Cohen’s Commune in Mexico, it’s immediately obvious everything isn’t “sunshine and roses” or is that “shit and shingles….?” While Landor makes his point about unhappiness being a natural part of the human condition, again, there is no balance. While he seems blissful in his contentment, the other members appear dismal and beleaguered. There is again, just like in the country from which they are estranged, no balance. Cohen gives Rodney a mission, and while it appears to be rescue mission for Hamm, it ends up being something else. It’s a great surprise and even more so considering the fact we are already privy to the fact that Hamm is faking his happiness. So, Rodney’s mission is not only for naught, but detrimental to the cause. It’s a great twist, a brilliant twist.
Michael Montenat continues to keep things real, imbuing every scene with significant facial expressions and body language. There are no great action sequences in Happy Hour #3, but that doesn’t mean that Montenat doesn’t convey a lot of information in his layouts and figural depictions. Those feet, Kim’s wonderful feet!
I like what’s going on with these characters so much I don’t want to see anything bad happen to them independently! Keep ’em together!!
Happy Hour continues to be an interesting and thought provoking series from Ahoy Comics. Milligan and Montenat deliver the goods again! There’s so much in this issue that takes the story in new directions, an already great series just got even better! It’s not too late to jump in!