Review: American Vampire 1976 #5
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Writer: Scott Snyder
Artist: Rafael Albuquerque
Colorist: Dave McCaig
Letterer: Steve Wands
Reviewer: Tony Farina
Skinner, Pearl, Book, and the rest of the team are finally united in their mission to stop the Beast from world domination, but the missing key to their success is protected by a council of preeminent ancestral monsters with an axe to grind. These are the progenitors of some of the world’s most iconic folkloric species, and the victims of a broken American promise. Desperate for the council’s assistance, Skinner’s crew becomes a captive audience to their tale of betrayal-but the chilling insight saps all hope of recruiting their help. With only a few days to spare before terror is unleashed, the team must convince the legends that humanity is worth preserving, and that history may still bend toward redemption.
If I remembered my dreams, which I do not, thankfully, I would not want them drawn by Rafael Albuquerque because they would be horrible nightmares. Why is that good you ask? Well, this book is so damn freaky. This issue has a collection of creepy crawlies more creepy and more crawly than we have been used to seeing and it is perfection. Check them out:
Dave McCaig is boss as well. This whole series takes place in the dark because, well, Vampires and that is no easy task. We have all seen things that are just too dark OR things that are too bright when they are supposed to be in night. McCaig says, I spit in the face of you mere mortals and I light this book perfectly. We know he is doing a perfect job because most readers don’t notice what he is doing. I do though. Thanks Dave.
American Vampire 1976 #5 is a bit heavy on the exposition. It kind of has to be, but it drags. The exposition makes sense. The writing is good. It is Scott Freaking Snyder after all, but it just feels like cramming 10 pounds of sugar into a 5 pound bag.
American Vampire 1976 #5 is the penultimate issue of this series. It does a lot of explaining and gets the readers ready for the finale. I have faith in this team that the end of this series will be worth the ride. People reading this in the collected form will hardly notice the rambling as they will be ready for some explanation by this point.