Ahoy Comics Review: Edgar Allan Poe’s Snifter of Blood #6
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Writers: Tom Peyer and Robert Jeschoneck
Art: Alan Robinson and Greg Scott
Colors: Alan Robinson and Andy Troy
Letters: Rob Steen
Reviewed by: Matthew B. Lloyd
We get two tales in Edgar Allan Poe’s Snifter of Blood #6, the clever “Mask of the Red Death” and the surprise-filled “Bon-Bon.”
One of the most difficult things about retelling Poe’s stories is making them seem new and different as opposed to simply adapting them. “Masque of the Red Death” succeeds much like last issue’s “Ms Found in a Bottle.” Both stories take the title and change what they physically are in the story. The Red Death is no longer a pestilence, but rather something very familiar to nearly all comic book readers…, but I won’t spoil it. The surprise is right there on the first page, but it works much better going in blind. It’s being able to shift the meaning of the element in these stories that makes them fun and entertaining. While one would expect a book whose title includes “snifter of blood” to be a horror book, it’s clear that this series is a humor book. It is parody and satire, and when it’s effective it’s great.
The second tale in this issue is “Bon-Bon” and instead of freely adapting one of Poe’s stories, this narrative is an imaginative exploration of one of Poe’s contemporary literary critics, Rufus Griswold. The Devil himself is one of the main characters and one needs not have any previous knowledge of the historical events. This story leans into the horror a bit more as Griswold is invited to a dinner in Hell, but it’s the twist at the end that makes this a brilliant little tale. Griswold’s defiance is spectacular and his vanity even more so! Can’t spoil this one either, it’s too good a surprise to ruin! Just buy and read it!
Positives Cont’d
Both Alan Robinson and Greg Scott do some fine work in this issue. Robinson’s style fits the approach of “Mask of the Red Death” and Scott’s textural elements add much to the scenes of torture in Hell, doing much to emphasize the suffering. His depiction of the Devil is particularly effective. He’s cultured, well-dressed and the fire accents that “halo” his form at particular times are a perfect addition.
No real negatives here!
Edgar Allan Poe’s Snifter of Blood #6 once again provides clever and funny takes on the writer’s works and life. Like so many of the titles published by Ahoy Comics, this is for the more discerning reader. Well beyond the average super-hero fare, these stories provide something more. They are truly entertainment for a more thoughtful reader. And, let’s not forget there’s some awfully good text pieces in their comics as well. Don’t be afraid! This is another winner.