Review: American Vampire 1976 #7

by Tony Farina
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Review: American Vampire 1976 #7

American Vampire 1976 #7


[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Scott Snyder

Artist:  Rafael Albuquerque, Tula Lotay, Francesco Francavilla, Ricardo Lopez Ortiz

Colorist: Dave McCaig

Letterer: Steve Wands

Reviewer: Tony Farina


Before Skinner and Pearl reunited and the Beast returned—before 1976—the fight to protect humanity persisted. This special anthology issue presents new stories from the unseen era between American Vampire: Second Cycle and American Vampire 1976, bridging the VMS’ turbulent past with a nation’s uncertain future. Jim Book and Pearl will test their new partnership on a mission to uncover new DNA technology in the fight against the Beast, Travis, and Gus enjoy a rare carefree moment in exile, and a deathbed vision reveals the truth about George Washington’s pact with the Council of Firsts and America’s role as a haven for persecuted monsters.

American Vampire 1976 #7


American Vampire 1976 #7 doesn’t really belong in this current run, but it is also fits perfectly. The story so far has been about history. What has gone down in the world since the original story ended and more importantly, what is happening in the rest of the world. We forget sometimes when we read comics that the world in which this story takes place is going on outside of the confines of the panels. Scott Snyder though, master horror writer and all around smarty pants, hasn’t forgotten and so he decided to treat readers with three short stories that will do two things, make us wait even longer for some resolution from the last issue and make us want to go back and read the original series again.

The art teams he complies for this have heavy tasks as the world is Albuquerque’s as much as it is Snyder’s, but Tula Lotay, Francesco Francavilla and Ricardo Lopez Ortiz show now fear about playing in someone else’s sand box. The art is beautiful and grotesque and genuinely scary. It is just what this book needs.

American Vampire 1976 #7


This issue is going to anger a lot of readers who were already barely hanging on by a thread after the ending of the last one. However, I don’t mind it at all. I think building tension is good. Readers can trust that Snyder has a plan. I do.


American Vampire 1976 #7 is a reminder that this story, this universe, and this concept is not really approaching an end if Scott and Rafael want it to. There is a well of stories waiting to be mined. This stands alone and works toward a bigger narrative. It is a hard to pull off, but they manage it beautifully. Now we wait for one more month.


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