Review: Blade Runner Origins #3
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Publisher: Titan Comics
Writers: K Perkins, Mellow Brown, Mike Johnson
Artist: Fernando Dagnino
Colors: Marco Lesko
Letters: Jim Campbell
Reviewed by: Carl Bryan
Enter the world of Blade Runner: 2009 and Discover the untold origins of the Blade Runners!
K Perkins, Mellow Brown, & Mike Johnson have just introduced a game changer to this world of Blade Runner. I wish I could not spoil it for you, but if you wish to not know, don’t read the next paragraph.
Transference….you read that word didn’t you? Somehow, the origin story gets even better than the products we have now with Detective Ash in Bladerunner 2019 and 2029 and the cinematic versions of Blade runner. All things canon are working together, but the authors have put that out there.
The ability of a human to transfer to a replicant body. So we don’t die, but we get a new skin that looks just like us. It begs the Ship of Theseus question…. (See Wanda Vision for that one or check out a Google Search). Either way, is murder really committed if the scientist can jump into their own replicant creation?
Holy Walt Disney…..we have a game changer in this comic. Can the writers weld this together with the current story lines introduced in 2019 and 2029 with Detective Ash? I don’t know, but it is going to be fun to read.
Positives 2.0
Fernando Dagnino …he captures the grit and the dirtiness and the neon of a Blade Runner LA. Now his facial expressions are what are to be explored now as the lines are being drawn between Cal and Ilora. We see that crescendo in the story coming, but it is through Dagnino’s pencils where we will really get to see the impact of the story.
His angles are the thing to be commended as he narrows down from sky shots showing us the tech and the buildings, but can give us a magnifying look at an eyeball. That’s some detail!
Crickets are chirping as you need to check this out! This comic is what we have been craving as a prequel in expanding our knowledge of the Blade Runner universe. We get to really see the seeds of what the Tyrell Corp puts into play. Replicants….are they more human than we are? With this new revelation, they are a continuation of ….well US. Scary stuff!
And what about those original replicants? Are we going to see those from the movie? No negatives, but such a cauldron of anticipation!
We get to really see the seeds of what the Tyrell Corp puts into play. Cal has his hands full and he is not even a Blade Runner…not that it will allow him special powers. This is some hard core science fiction that contributes to canon with every strike on the keyboard!